Whenever I look at this picture (which is everyday of course!), it brings me deep sadness and great joy as well. Jadyn’s smile either makes me smile back or cry, depending on my state of mind…..It lights up her whole face, reminding me of the joy she is experiencing right now in Heaven. Today it causes me to smile as I enjoy the bright sunshine on the glistening snow. It reminds me that “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
I am reading a great book on loss called “A Grace Disguised” by Jerry Sittser. He says, “We will not be delivered from suffering, but with Gods help we can be transformed by it. The apostle Paul wrote ‘nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ NOTHING! Not dangers, problems, conflicts, failures, guilt, regrets. Nothing. Not even our losses. That is the promise of true transformation; that is the love of God.” I am taking that to heart and letting the truth of it wash over me today.
I will be leaving on February 23rd for Haiti. I am excited to share God’s love with the orphans during my trip. Please keep me in your prayers!
“…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matt. 5:16