6 Months Closer…

6 months closer…

It has been just about 6 months since Jadyn went to Heaven.   Another mom whose little boy (also named Jayden) went to Heaven just days after my JJ mentioned something that has stuck with me.  She said that we are “6 months closer”…..instead of “6 months later” to seeing our babies.  I LOVED that!  6 months closer to seeing JJ again in Heaven!   I cannot wait.

I am not gonna lie though, this grieving stuff is brutally difficult.   Maybe harder than it was months ago because the shock has worn off and the reality of missing her is just plain sad and painful!!!

But I read something recently by a pastor/writer Levi Lusko whose little girl passed from this life a couple years ago.  He says, “Jadyn is with Jesus and—through the Spirit—Jesus is in me, so there is a direct connection between Jadyn and me.  She is with Him, and He is in me!  So in a very real sense, we are holding hands with the One who is holding Jadyn.”  He writes that this was a lightbulb moment for him.   Funny because Troy and I had that same light bulb moment some months ago!   What hope…What comfort!

It was a great reminder for us!!!  Until we see Jadyn in Heaven we are connected with her through the Holy Spirit in us…I cling to that truth and continue to draw closer to the Lord knowing He is my anchor in this storm.  I pray that He is the anchor of your life as well…

Blessings,  Kristin