Jadyn Philipps in Heaven

I’m sitting in a Starbucks sipping my “fall” drink and i find myself looking out at the chilly grey day reflecting on the past 2 years. It seems like forever ago and just yesterday that Jadyn ran ahead to Heaven🙏. I miss that crazy girl of mine as much as ever, but God has been faithful as He slowly pieces together my shattered heart💔. i don’t expect that it will look anything like my old unshattered heart, but the cracks (and there are many), are where He allows the light to shine both inward and outward. I have spent sooo much time looking for that light in the darkness…because it has been a long, dark journey. The video below was played at JJ’s memorial service. Listen to the song……Jesus STILL and always will make the darkness “Tremble”……..” He is light and in Him there is no darkness AT ALL”  1 John 1:5

“God has called Jadyn out of the darkness into His marvelous light”……I Peter 2:9

Watch and listen………

We miss you my darling.